Seoul Sister’s Story Behind Kimchi Seasoning

Seoul Sister’s Story Behind Kimchi Seasoning

Living in the Philippines, it was very inefficient and uncomfortable to make korean food because of the cultural differences. In a Korean household, there would be a fridge with a lot of storage space as well as a separate kimchi fridge for your kimchi. The food culture in korea also requires a lot of varieties of ingredients that come in big packages which is left to waste if you don’t make korean food on a regular basis.

On the other hand, sauces like Sriracha and tabasco was very convenient to use which could also be used in variety of dishes like a sandwich or a pizza. This made me wonder, “Why doesn’t Korea have a sauce like this?” 

10 years of working in the korean food industry in the Philippines,  I saw Korean food being accepted world wide which made me really happy. However, the world’s focus was limited to the “AUTHENTIC WAY”. In order to create a convenient and a newer perspective of Korean food, I created Kimchi Seasoning to be used in everyday meals just like how Sriracha and Tabasco is used.

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