From Tteokbokki to Kimchi Powder: The Success Story of Korean Start-up Food Culture Lab

From Tteokbokki to Kimchi Powder: The Success Story of Korean Start-up Food Culture Lab

The article reports on a Korean start-up called Food Culture Lab, which has developed a kimchi powder that is gaining popularity in the United States. The powder, which can be sprinkled on a variety of dishes, has caught the attention of major buyers in the American retail market, and will soon be sold at Walmart and Whole Foods. The company was founded by a young entrepreneur named Tae-yang Ahn, who previously ran a successful tteokbokki (spicy rice cake) business in the Philippines. Ahn's success with his first business led him to start the kimchi powder venture, which he hopes will become a ubiquitous Korean food product in households around the world. The article also highlights the health-conscious features of the product, as it is vegan, gluten-free, and made with non-GMO ingredients.

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